Digital All-Access PLUS

Young Kids Happy Childrens Family Preparing Funny Cookies In Kitchen At Home

Membership Perks

  • 6 months’ full access to all win-win strategies with videos, activities and printables.
  • PLUS, a box full of tangible products for you and your kids (see details below).
  • Live monthly Q&A with your guide, Kate Wengier.
  • Access to Foost’s private Facebook Group of vibrant and helpful parents.
  • One time payment. No subscriptionon.

Original price was: $449.00.Current price is: $249.00.

Additional Supporting Products

Your Digital All-Access plan comes with supporting tangible products to help your children learn faster. Here’s what you’ll receive:

  • 2 x Foost knives
  • 2 x Foost books
  • 2 x Rainbow plates
  • 2 x Learning bowls
  • Big spoon / little spoon
  • Meal planner and shopping list
  • Family platter
  • Give kids the tongs ( 1x mini serving tongs)
Foost boxFoost education pack  


Full access to all 15 guides for 6 months

Each guide includes videos, activities and printables to help you master your kids’ (and your own) relationship with food.

1. Mindset

Get in the right mindset for change. All change starts with belief.

2. Calm Mealtimes

The most powerful impact you can have on your child’s eating is the mealtime itself.

3. Timing

Do your kids ask for snacks all day, but never hungry at dinnertime? How tweaking the timing, can help your children get in touch with their hunger, increase variety and amount.

4. Serving meals

Tweaking how we serve the meals, can get you big results on what is eaten.

5. Your child

Help your children learn to trust and listen to their own bodies. Eating is a partnership between you and your child. Learn how to manage if your children are slower or faster eaters.

6. Learning food

Just like learning to read or write takes time and practice, so does liking new veggies. Tips and activities for helping children learn to like fruits and veggies (and any food).

7. Treats

Are your kids obsessed with “treat” foods? should we ban them in the house? Or let kids eat as much as they want? How to manage sugar?

8. What to cook

We’ll do the thinking for you. Ideas for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks. Wasting less, eating on a budget and managing cooking mess.

9. Lunchboxes

Tips and recipes for lunchbox packing and dealing with playground lunchbox wars.

10. Planning

There are many ways to get food organised to help you reduce your food stress.

11. Nutrition

What nutrition is needed for growing families? All about essential nutrients for your child.

12. Language

How you think and talk about food, will affect your child’s eating. Is your language supporting your family’s food journey? Learn positive ways to think and talk about food.

13. You and Food

What is your relationship with food like? How do you think and feel about your body? How were you raised when it comes to food? Parenting and situations change, but your thoughts and actions around food, influence your children.

14. Body Image

How to help raise children who are comfortable within their bodies.

15. Movement

Inspiring your family to move their body in ways they enjoy plus some screen-safe strategies.



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Original price was: $449.00.Current price is: $249.00.

kate intro

Hi! I'm Kate Wengier, Your guide

I am a professional dietitian. I've helped some of Australia's top companies enable their consumers (mostly parents) to create a positive relationship with food at home.

My philosophy on food is simple, educate-participate-enjoy. Teaching kids good habits about food doesn't have to feel like sitting in a classroom.

With a bit of flexibility and hands-on participation they'll come around. 🙂