Foost Blog
Articles, ideas and guides from our resident dietitian, Kate.
why I don’t praise my children for eating
The thing is….there is a BIG difference between getting a child to eat their veggies (but they spit them out if you are not there or overeat ‘treats’ when you turn your back) and helping children learn to like veggies so that learn to choose them and enjoy them for life.
rainy-day kids cooking ideas
The kids will be entertained, you will end up with something tasty to eat and you don’t even need to leave the house to grocery shop!
eating on a budget
Eating on $2 a day has given me some insights into feeding a family filling, nutritious and colourful foods on a budget. If you are interested, I’d like to share them with you.
waste not
We are all guilty of forgetting about those veggies at the bottom of the fridge or the fruit that got a bit squishy in the fruit bowl. You might not even think about tossing them in the bin, and rightly so if it’s smelly and mushy, but most of the time those sad looking fruits and veg can be saved!
it’s time to teach (not preach) food to our kids…
Forget nutrition education for kids, or even adults for that matter, we need to go back to basics and teach food education first.
life in plastic, it ain’t fantastic
Simple tips for reducing single-use plastics + DIY beeswax wraps
easy meals
We all have “I can’t be bothered cooking” nights. Well here are 7 meals that you can whip up in a flash!
teaching food: putting ourselves in little shoes
Did you know that in order to make mealtimes more peaceful and enjoyable, to help your child try and eventually accept new foods, you need to step away from the table. Food education begins away from the table.
is it time to change your food beliefs?
The key to a positive relationship with food is for children to have internal control of eating.
what’s in season winter
From apples to artichokes, Winter brings an abundance of colourful fruits and vegetables that can create delicious family meals.
1, 2, 3 breathe (tips for staying calm at mealtimes)
When it comes to feeding children, one of the most powerful things you can do to help kids learn to eat a variety of food and to have a positive relationship with food is create a happy environment for them to eat in. But how do we do that?
what’s in season autumn
The weather is getting colder and the leaves are changing colour. Welcome to beautiful Autumn.